Mobile Application Testing: The Best Practices


The need for mobile application testing has increased manifold following fast expansion of the telecom sector. Daily new mobiles are introduced with multiple operating systems, variety of hardware specifications, and wide-ranging software applications. Many third-party applications compatible with advanced mobile phone versions are also unveiled. All these underlined by concern for performance and user acceptance demand foolproof and comprehensive mobile app testing.
Understand Mobile Application Testing
A thorough understanding of applications put for testing is a perquisite. Check whether it is developed in-house or by third party. For in-house software, mobile testing should be run simultaneously during the development process. For third-party applications, a complete review of structure, function, update frequency, security, stress, and support options is required. Mobile app testing is required to examine all device feature requirements for GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-FI, games, and others. Their performance, accessibility, and security perspective must be clearly understand and authenticated. The focus should remain on what type of platforms the application is meant for, what are high risk areas, and who are the targeted audience.
Types of Mobile Application Testing
- Functional Testing: Mobile app testing examines functionality of software and its integration with device, OS platforms, and technology. It looks into the compatibility issues, intended functional results, and ability to offer users a fulfilling experience.
- Usability Testing: Carried on from a customer perspective, this type of mobile application testing checks if it is easy to understand and use the application, allows a good experience, how it differs from other applications in the market, and it meets the OS requirements intended for.
- Performance Testing: This testing is carried out to identify problems related to network, display, speed and stress, graphical interface, power utilization, etc, that impact performance. All limitations are delineated and improvements are marked.
- Security Testing: All penetration and firewall problems are sorted out to ensure that no one can access information on your device while using a particular application.
- Crash-Free Testing: This enables to check stability of the application and ability to take load. Testing experts also examine if its impacts other applications leading to bad user experience.
- Peer Testing: This mobile app testing is conducted in a real-time environment and companions are challenged to find out drawbacks.
Mobile Application Testing: Three Key Challenges
- Platform Diversity: The ever growing variety of mobiles in shape, screen size, hardware, and operating system calls for mobile application testing astute skills and expertise. An application must be widely tested for its compatibility and flawless functionality on all platforms.
- Rapid Technological Changes: The fast-changing mobile technology poses a challenge for mobile application testing experts. The older technology is becoming obsolete rapidly, and new platforms are introduced by competing manufacturers quickly. Testing experts require to update their knowledge and skills effectively in the changing scenario.
- Cost Vs Skill: Soaring competition in the market calls for low cost and high quality mobile application testing services. Balancing cost with the demanding technical and skill requirements require astuteness on the part of testing companies.
Kevin Clymers has more than 10 years of experience in software testing field doing research in 360logica Testing Services Pvt Ltd which offers mobile application testing etc.
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Mobile Application Testing: The Best Practices
Mobile Application Testing: The Best Practices
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